self Q&A

(I apologize for the occasional inappropriate sentences as I use a translator.)






Long time no see.

It's YUHI.




The number of subscribers has exceeded 900. Thank you for your support!


Some of you may have recently discovered this channel, while others may have known it for a long time.

I would like to explain any questions you may have in a self-questioning format.




Q. Y-Specialとは何ですか?
Q. What is Y-Special?


A. YUHI's chart-Special、略してY-Specialです。
A. YUHI's chart-Special, abbreviated as Y-Special.



Q. 何故ACに収録されている全ての曲の強化版チャートを制作しているんですか?
Q. Why are you creating more difficult charts for all the songs on Arcade?


A. あまり選ばれない曲にスポットライトを当てるためです。

A. Because I want to spotlight songs that are not often chosen.
I like the songs included in DDR.
In particular, I believe that good songs are hidden in songs that are not very difficult.
However, a common way to enjoy any music game is to try harder songs.
When it comes to DDR, we probably only play the higher difficulty songs unless we do MA or play all the songs.
I feel it's a waste.
Therefore, I thought that if all the songs included in the arcade were produced at level 15 or higher,
the chances of those songs being heard would increase even a little.
(There are other reasons, but I will omit them as they are too long)



Q. 何故毎日動画をアップロードしてるんですか?
Q. Why do you upload videos every day?


A. このくらいの頻度じゃないといつまで経っても終わらないからです。
A. Because if it doesn't happen this often, it will never end.
I would like to eventually make charts for songs such as IIDX, popn, and SDVX etc, so I am uploading videos every day.
I thought about uploading twice a day, but I gave up because I wouldn't be able to create the charts in time.





A. IIDXにとってのLeggendaria、popnにとってのUPPERのようなものです。
何故OVER THE LIMITという文字列を選んだかというと、
OVER THE LIMITは足18.7以上の非常に難しい譜面しか作らない予定ですので、
OVER THE LIMITに選ばれる曲は、私が非常に好きな曲で、難しくしがいがある曲調であり、
RED ZONEをストロングスタイルでも狂気的なソフランでも作りたいと思ったことがOVER THE LIMITの誕生秘話です。
A. It's like Legendaria to IIDX and UPPER to popn.
The reason why I chose the character string OVER THE LIMIT is because I wanted it to be a word
that could be created using the alphabets included in "VOLTAGE," "STREAM," "CHAOS," "AIR," and "FREEZE."(for jacket)
OVER THE LIMIT will only create extremely difficult charts of 18.7 or higher,
so it has the meaning of "go beyond your limits as a human being!"
The songs selected for OVER THE LIMIT must be songs that I love very much,
have a difficult and rewarding tone, and that I would like to have two difficulty levels. (Excluding requests)
I wanted to make Flowers at level 16 with lyrics, or level 19 like IIDX's SPL,
and I wanted to make RED ZONE in strong style and crazy SOF-LAN. This is the secret story behind the birth of THE LIMIT.



Q. 動画のアップロードの順番に意味はありますか?
Q. Is there any significance to the order in which the videos are uploaded?


A. もちろんです。
所属:現在アーケードに収録されている、現在アーケードに収録されていない、OVER THE LIMIT、ボス曲の順に投稿しています。


A. Of course there is.
I believe this is a way to enjoy Y-Special even more.
The priority order is Version > Affiliation > Level > Title.
Version: Version such as SN, SN2, and X etc.
The oldest ones will be uploaded first. Since the version is the same except for requests, it will not be applied.
Affiliation: Uploaded in the order of songs currently included in the arcade,
not currently included in the arcade, OVER THE LIMIT, and boss songs.
Level: 15, 16, 17... are uploaded in order.
Title: Uploaded in the order of numbers, alphabets, symbols, and Japanese syllabary.
Some songs may have no symbols, or may be handled using the alphabet again.
I upload according to these rules, so I think one way to enjoy it is to predict 
what songs will be uploaded tomorrow and when the songs you are interested in will be uploaded.

In addition, in the case of a request, the song adopted as level 19 may be uploaded at the end.

Also, I would like to inform you in advance that due to following this rule, "irregularities" will occur in X3.



Q. versionの1曲目を投稿する時に、そのversionから何曲投稿するか書かれていますが、
ACに収録されていない曲とOVER THE LIMITはどの曲を採用するかが既に決まっているということですか?
Q. When you upload the first song of a version, it is written how many songs will be uploaded from that version,
but does this mean that it has already been decided which songs will be used for songs that are not included in the arcade and OVER THE LIMIT?


A. はい。
A. That's right.
And since those songs will be available for viewing after the video is released,
I will not be able to answer any questions you may have.



Q. Y-Specialを遊びたいです。どこでダウンロードできますか?
Q. I want to play Y-Special. Where can I download it?


A. 現在はダウンロードできません。チャンネル登録者が1000人を超えたら配布しようと考えています。
A. Currently not available for download. I'm thinking of distributing it once the number of subscribers exceeds 1000.